Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rocky Mountain Wildlife - Pika

Pika - Ochotona princeps.
Quick and agile, the industrious pika inhabits alpine boulderfields feeding on lush vegetation. A cousin to rabbits and hares, pikas gather vegetation into "haypiles" for consumption during the winter.

1991 Wendy Shattil and Bob Rozinski
Published by Rocky Mountain Nature Association

from the set:
Rocky Mountain Wildlife
Twelve Postcards

Wendy Shattil and Bob Rozinski have worked as a photographic team since 1981, specializing in wildlife and nature photography. They are international grand prize winners of the BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year competion. Other credits include National Wildlife, Audubon, Outdoor Photographer, Natural History and National Geographic Publications.



Dorincard said...

Cool! Maybe we could exchange 12 postcards, so I can get the whole set. I would prefer to see the other 11, though...:)

Postcard Blogger said...

sorry, the set is old, I bought it at an antique store.