Monday, March 27, 2017

Gulf of Porto, Corsica, France

Porto - Sperone

La Corse patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco
La roche rougeoyante de Porto au soleil couchant et le bleu turqoise de Sperone

From an on-line translator:
Corsica of Unesco World Heritage
The glowing rock of Porto at sunset and the turquoise blue of Sperone

Serge Gilbert

The sender writes:
Greetings from the Island of Corse. It is so beautiful here with very different landscapes, like rocks, forests, and beaches like in the Caribbean Sea.  The food is great as well of course.  

This postcard is postmarked in 2014 with two matching stamps from France.

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I copied this from the UNESCO website:

Gulf of Porto: Calanche of Piana, Gulf of Girolata, Scandola Reserve

The nature reserve, which is part of the Regional Natural Park of Corsica, occupies the Scandola peninsula, an impressive, porphyritic rock mass. The vegetation is an outstanding example of scrubland. Seagulls, cormorants and sea eagles can be found there. The clear waters, with their islets and inaccessible caves, host a rich marine life.
France stamp 2013
Marianne in Red
Lettre Prioritaire 
20 g

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