

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Invisible Ray 1936 Movie

...delving into new, strange fields of mystery!
(Boris) Karloff
as the Luminous man and
Bela Lugosi

The Invisible Ray

with Frances Drake
and Frank Lawton

The Invisible Ray, 1936. From Grafton
Classic Science Fiction Movie Posters: 2006

postmarked in 2008 with a 27 cent Guava stamp

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A visionary doctor, Dr. Janos Rukh (Karloff) invents a telescope that can look far out into space — into Andromeda — and pick up rays of light that will show the Earth's past. Looking at the past on a television-like screen, a group of assembled doctors as well as Dr. Rukh see a large meteor hit the earth thousands of years ago. Rukh convinces the doctors to go on an expedition to find the meteor that appeared to land in Africa. While in Africa, Rukh finds the meteor but is exposed to strong radiation ("Radium X") from the rock. Dr. Benet (Lugosi) takes a piece of the stone back to Europe and uses the meteorite to heal people, including curing the blind. Rukh, suffering from the radiation, glows at night when not treated and is slowly losing his mind.

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