

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Alfred Hitchock with the MGM Lion

Alfred Hitchock with the MGM Lion, 1958.
Photograph by Clarence Sinclair Bull

Made in Hollywood: Photographs from the John Kobal Foundation Archive, Santa Barbara Museum of Art

This unused postcard was bought in 2011.

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Leo the Lion is the mascot for the Hollywood film studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and one of its predecessors, Goldwyn Pictures.

Since 1924, there have been around five different lions used for the MGM logo, including Tanner, and Leo, the current (and fifth) lion. Tanner was used on all Technicolor films and MGM cartoons (including the Tom and Jerry series), and in use on the studio logo for 22 years (Leo has been in use since 1957, a total of 54 years and counting).

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