

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Toucans Postcards

Onecan - Toucans

by Spike Milliagan
(Great Postcard! - very clever :)

unused, from 2011
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Colecao didatica

Tucano - Rhamphastos toco
Mede ate 60 cm, cabendo 16 cm so ao bico.
Sao aves da mata, alimentam-se de frutas e tambem de animais pequenos como sapos e passarinhos.

Tucan - Rhamphastos toco
Measures until 60 cm., belong 16 cm only to the beak.  They are birds of the woods, like to eat fruits, but also little animals as frogs and young birds.

unused, from 1987

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Toucans have been known to plunder nests of smaller birds, taking eggs and nestlings. This probably provides a crucial addition of protein to their diet. However, toucans are mainly fruit eaters, and as such play an extremely important ecological role as vectors (agent for transporting seeds) for seed dispersal of fruiting trees. Often when eating small fruits, toucans will throw their heads back and allow the fruit to roll into their throats before swallowing.

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