

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Roman Ruins in Timgad, Algeria

Ruines Romaines de Timgad. - Arc de Trajan et Temple du Genie
(Roman ruins of Timgad. - Arch of Trajan and the Temple of Genius)


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Ruines Romaines de Timgad. - Marche de Sertius
(Roman Ruins of Timgad. - Market of Sertius)


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Timgad was a Roman colonial town in the Aures mountain- numidia Algeria founded by the Emperor Trajan around AD 100. The full name of the town was Colonia Marciana Ulpia Traiana Thamugadi.

Located in modern-day Algeria, about 35 km east of the town of Batna, the ruins are noteworthy for representing one of the best extant examples of the grid plan as used in Roman city planning.

Because no new settlements were founded on the site after the 7th century, the town was partially preserved under sand up to a depth of approximately one meter. The encroachment of the Sahara on the ruins was the principal reason why the town is so well preserved.

Timgad was inscribed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1982.

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