

Sunday, November 25, 2012

DVD Postcards - Hawaii and Pisa, Italy

 The Hawaiian Islands DVD Postcard

It is a mailable postcard with a place on the back to write a message, address, and place a stamp.  However there is a pull tab to open the card and pull out a DVD to see, learn, and explore the history and culture of the Hawaiian Islands.  It can be watched in English and Japanese and features the islands of Aloha: Kauai, Maui, Molokai, Oahu, Lanai, and Hawaii's Big Island.

unused, bought in Hawaii in 2012, was made in 2006

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Postcard DVD Video
Un viaggio tra immagini, canzoni e racconti
1 cartolina + diaporama di 16 mn su DVD commento multilingue in Italiano, Inglese, e Tedesco.
Questo filmato di 16 minuti e una passeggiata tra le meraviglie di Pisa, attraverso un percorso di interesse artistico e culturale.

A journey through pictures, songs and stories
1 postcard + slideshow of 16 mn DVD multi-lingual commentary in English, Italian, and German.
This 16-minute movie and a walk through the wonders of Pisa, through a series of artistic and cultural interest.

unused, bought in 2010

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The back has a place to put a stamp and write and address and message.  The DVD on the front is thin and seams to be pretty secure, but I don't know if it would make it through the mail or not.


  1. That's the first time I have seen that kind of postcard.

  2. I have a few like this and some that have CD's inside instead of dvd's. They are hard to find compared to regular postcards and as a rule are quite expensive, for a new card.
