

Friday, May 3, 2013

Wild Berries from Finland

Luonnonmarjat (wild berries in Finnish) Naturbar (berries in Swedish)

(the first word is Finnish, the second is Swedish)

Mustikka - Blabar
Vaccinium myrtillus

Puolukka - Lingon
Vaccinium vitis-idaea
(lingonberry or cowberry)

Variksenmarja - Krakbar
Empetrum nigrum
(black crowberry)

Juolukka - Odon
Vaccinium uliginosum
(bog bilberry or northern bilberry)

Lakka, hilla - Hjortron
Rubus chamaemorus
(mulberry, cloudberry)

Mesimarja - Akerbar
Rubus arcticus
(arctic raspberry)

Tyrni - Havtorn
Hippophae rhamnoides
(buckthorn - seaberry)

Karpalo - Tranbar
vaccinium oxycoccos

Vadelma - Hallon
Rubus idaeus
(red raspberry)

Metsamansikka - Skogssmultron
Fragaria vesca
(wild strawberries)

Pihlajanmarja - Ronnbar
Sorbus aucuparia
(rowan berry)

The back reads:
Kalatalouden Keskusliitto - Finnish - Fisheries Federation
Central Forbundet for Fiskerihushallning - Swedish - Central Association for Fisheries Housekeeping

This card is a little over 8 inches by 11 inches!  Yet it made it through the mail with no problems.

postmarked in 2013 with a blackberry stamp from Finland - the sender writes that blackberries are not naturally found in Finland and that is why they are not on the postcard - but I love that it is a fruit postcard and a fruit stamp  :D


  1. That is one BIG postcard. Finnish postcards are great, love 'em!

  2. yes, Finland has great cards, and their stamps are great too! I have some that have stickers on them, all different shapes and some that are even 3-D!
