

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Food in Jamaica - Ackee and Breadfruit

Ackee and Breadfruit.  The Ackee fruit is one of the ingredients that makes up our national dis, "Ackee and saltfish".  Breadfruit, another Jamaica Jamaican favourite.

Ackee y la Fruta de Pan.  La fruta de Ackee, es uno de los ingredientes con que se hace el platos nacional de Jamaica, "Ackee con bacalao".  La fruta de Pan es otra comide favorite de Jamaica. 

Photography - Ray Chen

postmarked in 2012 with a Jamaica 'Bob Marley' stamp

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Ackee and saltfish is a traditional Jamaican dish, known as Jamaica's national dish.

The ackee fruit was imported to Jamaica from West Africa before 1778. Because parts of the fruit are toxic, there are shipping restrictions when being imported to countries such as the United States.

To prepare the dish, salt cod (packet salt fish may need to be boiled down and should be free of 'pink' mould) is sautéed with boiled ackee, onions, Scotch Bonnet peppers (optional), tomatoes, and spices, such as black pepper and pimiento. It can be garnished with crisp bacon and fresh tomatoes, and is usually served alongside breadfruit, hard dough bread, dumplings, fried plantain, or boiled green bananas.

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