

Monday, March 3, 2014

County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland

 County Fermanagh

Fermanagh, a county of lakes and mountains, ancient castes and churches, caves and tourist sites, was named after FIr Manach, the Men of Manach, and early pre-Celtic people.  It is noted for its scenic beauty and pleasant people

Design and Artwork: H. Weir and Tomas Porcell

postmarked in 2012 with an Ireland stamp

Some items listed: Portora Royal School, Old Castle Archdale, White Island, Castle Coole, Ardhowen Theatre from Weirs Bridge, Marble Arch Caves, Cole Monument, Soho Church, Tully Castle and more.

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County Fermanagh is a county in Northern Ireland lying within the historical province of Ulster.


  1. Hi Brenda, I have been posting = MAP MONDAY =. A Postcard a Day started the idea. Hope you can join us often on Monday with a Map.
