

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bosvogels (Forest Birds) from The Netherlands

 Bosvogels (Forest Birds)

1. Appelvink (Hawfinch)
2. Grauwe Vliegenvanger (Spotted Flycatcher)
3. Bonte Vliegenvanger (Pied Flycatcher)
4. Zwarte Mees (Coal Tit)
5. Koolmees (Tomtit)
6. Pimpelmees (Nun)
7. Merel (Blackbird)
8. Roodborst (Robin)
9. Vink (Finch)
10. Glanskop (Marsh Tit)
11. Staartmees (Long-tailed Tit)
12. Kuifmees (Crested Tit)
13. Zanglijster (Mavis)
14. Spreeuw (Starling)
15. Groenling (Greenfinch)
16. Winterkoning (Wren)
17. Goudvink (Bullfinch)
18. Heggenmus  (Dunnock)
19. Tjiftjaf  (Warbler)
20. Vuurgoudhaan (Firecrest)
21. Goudhaan (Goldcrest)
22. Gaai (Jay)
23. Zwarte Specht (Black Woodpecker)
24. Grote Bonte Specht (Great Spotted Woodpecker)
25. Gekraagde Roodstaart (Redstart)
26. Boomklever (Nuthatch)
27. Boomkruiper (Tree Creeper)
28. Zwartkop (Blackcap)
29. Fluiter (Whistler)
30 Ransuil (Long-eared Owl)
31. Bosuil (Tawny Owl)
32. Groene Specht (Yaffle or European Green Woodpecker)

I put everything into an on-line translator to write them in English.  I hope they are all correct!

This postcard is postmarked in 2014 from the Netherlands with two 'Willem-Alexander' stamps.  The sender writes that these are the birds found in the forests of Holland.
Netherlands (Nederland) stamp 2013
Inauguration of King Willem-Alexander - 1

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