

Friday, August 22, 2014

Lednice Castle in Czech Republic

Zamek Lednice (Lednice Castle)

Pravdepodobne jiz v roce 1222 stala na miste dnesniho zamku goticka vodni tvrz.  Koncem 13. stoleti se majiteli panstvi stali Lichtenstijnove.  Tento rod se postupne stal diky uspesnym ekonomickym aktivitam, vyhodnym snatkum a zejmena diky skoupeni mnoha pobelohorskych konfiskatu nejbohatsim na Morave.  V 16. stoleti postavili Lichtenstejnove na miste stredoveke tvrze renesancni zamek, ktery byl koncem 17. stoleti nahrazen zamkem baroknim.  Poslidni prestavbu v duchu anglicke gotiky provedl v letech 1846 - 1858 Alois II. z Lichtenstejna.

I put this in a translator and it came up with this...
You probably already in 1222 stood on the site of today's castle Gothic water tower. At the end of the 13th century, the estate became the owner Lichtenštijnové. This genus has gradually become successful due to economic activities that are advantageous marriage, and especially thanks bought up many White Mountain confiscates the richest in Moravia. In the 16th century the Liechtenstein family built on the site of a medieval fortress Renaissance castle, which was in the late 17th century by Zamkem the Baroque. Poslidni remodeling in the English Gothic performed in the years 1846 - 1858 Alois II. of Liechtenstein.

This postcard is postmarked in 2014 with a machine stamp from The Czech Republic.

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Lednice is a village in South Moravia in the Czech Republic. In 1996 it was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It contains a palace and the largest park in the country, which covers 200 km².

The palace of Lednice began its life as a Renaissance villa; in the 17th century it became a summer residence of the ruling Princes of Liechtenstein.