

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Telc, Czech Republic, UNESCO Site

Mesto zalozili panove z Hradce, v roce 1354 postavili hrad, kostel, vodni opevreni a kolem triziste goticle domy.  V roce 1423 bylo Telc dobyta husity. V polovine 16. stoleti pristavyie Zacharias z haradce renesancni zamek, stavi vodovod a spital.  Po vymrenl pana z Hradce v roce 1604 prechazi Telc na Slavaty a v roce 1691 na Lichtensteiny-Kastelkorny.  V roce 1761 se tento rod spojil s rodem Podstatskych a majiteli se stali Podstatsti-Lichtensteinove.  

The sender put the stamps over the writing, so some of the words are probably wrong. 

This postcard is postmarked in 2014 with there Chez Republic stamps.  

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Telč is a town in southern Moravia, in the Czech Republic. The town was founded in 13th century as a royal water fort on the crossroads of busy merchant routes between Bohemia, Moravia and Austria.

Besides the monumental 17th century Renaissance chateau with an English-style park, the most significant sight is the town square, a unique complex of long urban plaza with well-conserved Renaissance and Baroque houses with high gables and arcades; since 1992 all of this has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Czech Republic stamp 2012
Orchids Flowers
Paphiopedilum venustum 10 A
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Czech Republic stamp 2008
Vysilac Hotel Jested 12 Kc
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Ještěd Tower is a 94 metre-tall tower used to transmit television signals built on the top of Ještěd mountain near Liberec in the Czech Republic. It was built between 1963 and 1968.  In the Tower's lowest sections there is a hotel and a tower restaurant. 

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