

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Olympics in Austria, 1964

Olympiastadt Innsbruck
IX. Olympische
Winterspiele 1964

Olympiastadt Innsbruck, Tirol
Austragungsort der IX. Olympischen Winterspieie
vom 29. Janner bis 9. Februar 1964

1. Nordkettenbahn
2. gegen die Nordkette
3. Goldenes Bachl und Stadtturm
4. lgls gegen die Nordkette
5. gegen Glungezer und Patscherkofe

This is postmarked in 1997 from Austria.

I put the above into a translator and this came out: (if anyone can leave a better translation, that would be wonderful)

Olympic city of Innsbruck
IX. Olympic
Winter Games of 1964

Olympic city of Innsbruck, Tyrol
Hosted the IX. Olympic Winterspieie
of 29 January to 9 February 1964

1. Nordkettenbahn
2. against the northern chain
3. Golden Bachl and City Tower
4. LGLS against the northern chain
5. against Glungezer and Patscherkofe

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