

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Doctor Who, The Impossible Astronaut

The Impossible Astronaut
BBC Doctor Who

This postcard is postmarked in 2015.

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"The Impossible Astronaut" is the first episode of the sixth series of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who.  It was first broadcast on 23 April 2011 in the United Kingdom, as well as the United States and Canada.

In the episode, Amy Pond, Rory and River Song are summoned to Utah, USA, by the Eleventh Doctor, who is killed by a mysterious figure in a space suit. The dead Doctor is revealed to be an older self, after his younger version returns. They try to understand what the future Doctor said and are sent to Washington D.C. The team deals with the Silence, a race of aliens with the ability to make people forget their encounter with them when they look away.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A Map and Fun Facts from Ohio

The Buckeye State

- Named from Iroquois world Ohi-yo, meaning great river
- 17th state to join the Union in 1803
- State Capitol: Columbus
- Birthplace of aviation
- 8 U.S. presidents were from Ohio
- World's largest Amish community
- 312 miles of coastline
- Home to 24 astronauts
- 7th most populous state

State Bird: Cardinal
State Flower: Scarlet Carnation
State Mammal: White-tailed Deer
State Tree: Buckeye
State Fruit: Tomato
State Motto: With God, all things are possible

This postcard is unused and was bought in 2015. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Prairie Flacon

North American Wildlife

Prairie Falcon (Falco mexicanus)
The prairie falcon's range consists of the arid and semi-arid plains of western North America, Baja and northern Mexico.  It is sandy brown in color, with a light streaked underside and averages between 17 and 20 inches in length.  Although it feeds on a variety of prey, including insects, small reptiles, squirrels and prairie dogs, it prefers to dine on other birds; especially those found on or near the ground.

Photographer - Erwin & Peggy Bauer

This unused postcard was bought in 2011.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

An Arizona Sunset Postcard with the Sun Cut-Out.

Arizona Sunset
Photo: Richard Strange

The sender writes:
Land of dirt and cacti.  I actually like it here though...for an hour at least.  Then it gets mundane and hot.  We took photos with dinosaurs though!
I thought you would like the sun cut out on this postcard.

(She was right - I do like it :)

This postcard is postmarked in 2015.
USA stamp 2014
Star Spangled Banner
Flag and Fireworks
Forever a first class rate

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Garfield the Cat and Aliens, Greetings

Hello, Earthling.
We are from the planet Greet


Jim Davis
Garfield: 1978

This alien postcard is unused. 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Gilpin's Falls Covered Bridge in Maryland

Gilpin's Falls Covered Bridge
Bay View, Maryland

Of Maryland's seven remaining covered bridges, this is the largest with a span of 119 feet supported by bowstring arches.  Built about 1860, it was restored in 1959 by the Historical Society of Cecil County and the State roads Commission.  Located a few feet from Route 272, it no longer carries vehicular traffic, but is easily accessible on foot.

This postcard is postmarked 1980 with a 15 cent windmill stamp.

The sender writes:
Hi, Finally got here. The fishing is so-so.  it's awfully hot.
Yellow Paper 
Virginia 1720, 15 cents

Thursday, September 24, 2015

A Map of Groningen, The Netherlands


Shown is Lauwersoog, Pieterburen, Zoutkamp, Uithuizen, Appingedam, Delfzijl, Schildmeer, Winschoten, Slochteren, Groningen, Leek, Haren, Hoogezand-Sappemeer, Stadskanaal, Bourtange and Sellingen.

This map postcard is postmarked in 2007.

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Groningen is the northeasternmost province of the Netherlands.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Red Hair Swimming Crab

Red Hair Swimming Crab
The Bahamas
Photo by Shane Pinder

This unused postcard is from 2011.

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Red swimming crabs are among the most globally commercially available species of crab for crabmeat.  (yum) 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Sao Paulo
Arrange-ceus da regiao central de Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo central area skyscrapers

The sender writes:
I live in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  It's the most populated Brazilian city with almost 12 million inhabitants. 

This postcard is postmarked in 2015 with three stamps.
25 anos aicep
 Associacao Internacional 
das Comunicacoes de 
expressao portuguesa, 3,15

The 25th Anniversary of the AICEP - Joint issue
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AICEP - Business Development Agency is a Portuguese public business entity with the main objectives of attracting foreign investment to Portugal and supporting the internationalization of Portuguese companies.
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Brazil (Brasil) stamp 2002 
Musical Instruments 
Trompete (Trumpet)
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Brazil (Brasil) stamp 2005 
Shoe Maker / Repair
Hector Consani 
R$ 0,20

Monday, September 21, 2015

Agriculture and a Coal Mine in Kansas (For War Industries)

An air view of the patchwork pattern that is agricultural Kansas.  From this state comes food for the nation, its armed forces and allies, meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products, cereals, vegetables, fruits and many industrial crops.  In fact, livestock is a greater source of Kansas farm income that is wheat.

This card furnished servicemen in Kansas by the Kansas Industrial Development Commission, Topeka, Kansas

The stamp box reads: Service-men's mail free, otherwise one cent.
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Viewing a Kansas strip coal mine from the top of a giant electric shovel.  Both strip and shaft methods mine an average of more than 3 million tons of Kansas coal per year for war industries.

This card furnished servicemen in Kansas by the Kansas Industrial Development Commission, Topeka, Kansas

The stamp box reads: Service-men's mail free, otherwise one cent.

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Although both of these postcards are unused, I am pretty sure they are from 1915.  There is a divided back, so they are after 1907, but there is no white border on the front. During World War 1 a white border was added to most postcards to save on ink.  So this these are probably from early 1915 in preparation of joining WWI. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

British Weather

Good Old British Weather

This is postmarked in 2009 with a Great Britain queen stamp.

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The sender writes:

The weather is miserable today, it was miserable yesterday and it will be miserable tomorrow!
Queen in red - 62 p

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Little Gull Island Lighthouse, Long Island, New York

31st National Postcard Week
May 4-10, 2014

Little Gull Island Lighthouse

Located on the North Fork of Long Island, NY.  The first lighthouse was built in 1803, at a cost of $15,000.  When the War of 1812 came to eastern Long Island, the British visited and demanded the light be extinguished.  The keeper refused, and the British removed the illuminating apparatus from the lantern.  The proven vulnerability caused the government to erect a hundred foot diameter wall around the tower and keeper's quarters in 1817.   The wall that was built cost $24,500 and was 300 feet in circumference.  In 1978 it was automated, ending 172 years of light keeping tradition on the tiny island.

Photo by Earl Bucken

This postcard is unused. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Denver Postcard Club Card for National Postcard Week

Join the Denver Postcard Club

National Postcard Week
May 4-10, 2014

Deltiology is the collection and study of picture postcards.  To learn more about postcard collecting, attend a local postcard show and see the Denver Postcard Club's Facebook Page for club meeting and event details.

This art for this postcard was done by Rick Geary and is a limited edition of 500.

Although it was never mailed there is writing on the back:
Hi Brenda
This is probably my favorite Denver PC Club Card so far! Rick Geary drew himself in this one!
All the best!
Dede Horan

Thursday, September 17, 2015

A Few Beautiful Postcards from Roatan, Honduras

Warm Greetings from 
Roatan, Honduras
Gem of the Bay Islands.

These postcards are all unused and from 2014.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Alsace, Palace of Europe in Strasbourg, France

Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin)
Le Palais de l'Europe

Photo: I. Anger

This postcard is postmarked in 2015 with 7 stamps from France.  The main stamp and postmark are also from the Conseil de L'Europe. 

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The Palace of Europe is a building located in Strasbourg, France, that has served as the seat of the Council of Europe since 1977 when it replaced the 'House of Europe'.  Between 1977 and 1999 it was also the Strasbourg seat of the European Parliament.
France stamp 2014
60 Ans de Cooperation Culturelle Europeenne
60 Years of European Cultural Cooperation
Conseil de L'Europe - 0,98
Council of  Europe - 0,98

Shown is the Agora building.  
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Two of these stamps...
France stamp 2013
Marianne in Yellow, 0.01
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And four of these...
France stamp 2013
Marianne in Brown, 0.05

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Jupiter Ascending with Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis

Jupiter Ascending
From the Creators of The Matrix Trilogy
Channing Tatum, Mila Kunis, Sean Bean, Eddie Redmayne

This sci-fi movie postcard is postmarked in 2015 with a flower stamp.

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A young woman discovers her destiny as an heiress of intergalactic nobility and must fight to protect the inhabitants of Earth from an ancient and destructive industry.
USA stamp 2015
Water Lilies, Flowers
Forever a first class stamp

Monday, September 14, 2015

Singapore River, Bridge and Parliament House

Greetings from Singapore

Scenic View of Singapore River and The Parliament House. (It is the building on the right with the red roof.)

This is postmarked in 2015 from Singapore. 

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In 1963 there were 51 members of parliament in Singapore.  By 1983 it grew to 75 and because of this there was a demand for more space.  So in 1989 First Deputy Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong proposed the idea to build a new parliament house.

In 1992, the project was approved by the government with a budget of S$148.2 million. 

Construction began in 1995 and was completed in July 1999 at a cost of S$115.2 million.

 On 4 October 1999, the building was officially opened with a simple ceremony.
Vanishing Trades
Garland Maker, 60 c

Sunday, September 13, 2015

A Bicycle used to Advertise a Postcard Show

Saturday May 31, 2014
Postcard Show
Union Fire Hall
Titusville, New Jersey

Washington Crossing Card Collectors Club

I love the vintage look to this unused bicycle postcard!

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This is from their website...

The Washington Crossing Card Collectors Club, also known as WC4, was formed in 1972 by local postcard collectors in the Delaware Valley.  Our name and heritage have revolved around George Washington’s historic 1776 crossing of the Delaware River.  Many of our founding members live in that area, and our meetings are still held there today.  And – YES – some of us are history buffs too!

The primary interest of our club is deltiology – the study and collection of postcards.  

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Sugarloaf Mountain (Pao de Acucar) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Praia Vermelha / Pao de Acucar (Sugarloaf Mountain)

Praia Vermelha
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Photo: Rodolpho Machado

This is postmarked in 2009 with a machine stamp from Brazil.

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Sugarloaf Mountain is a peak situated in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at the mouth of Guanabara Bay. It rises 396 meters (1,299 ft) above the harbor and is known worldwide for its cableway and panoramic views of the city.

Friday, September 11, 2015

2003 USPS Patriotic Postcard Set, Stamped 1 a Year for 5 Years on (or around) 9-11

The top of a brightly colored silk bookmark woven as a souvenir at the World's Colombian Exposition in Chicago in 1893.  The rest of the bookmark (not shown on the stamp) contains the words and music of the national anthem.
Here is the postmark on September 11, 2007...
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A whimsical piece of 20th-century folk art made of cast iron, wood, and tin, featuring Uncle Sam proudly waving a "Liberty" flag as he pedals a high-wheel bicycle.
Here is the postmark on September 11, 2008...
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A 19th-century carving of a woman wielding a 24-star American flag and a sword.  Known by a variety of names, including "Columbia" and "Liberty," female personifications of the United States have been popular since the nation's beginning.
Here is the postmark on September 11, 2009...

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A modern hand fan - made of paper and balsa - unfolds to reveal the stars and stripes of Old Glory.
Here is the postmark on September 11, 2010...

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This 1888 presidential campaign badge includes a miniature brass canteen with a photograph of Benjamin Harrison, who became the nation's 23rd President.
Here is the postmark on September 13, 2011 (the 11th was a Sunday, and I didn't make it on the 12th)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Peak District in England

Around the Peak District

Hen Cloud
National Park
Monsal Dale

This is postmarked in 2009 with an 'Edward VI' Great Britain stamp.

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The Peak District is an upland area in England, most of which lies in northern Derbyshire but also includes parts of Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Staffordshire and Yorkshire.

The Peak District National Park became the first national park in the United Kingdom in 1951.
Kings and Queens
Edward VI 1547 - 1553

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Sunset at the Race Track in Newton, Iowa

NPCW 2014
National Postcard Week

Sunset at the race track

Spectators watching the Indycar race in Newton Iowa, as the Sun gets behind them and the clouds glow with orange.  For me, another beautiful day at the races.

This is a limited edition # 27 of 100 postcard mailed in 2014 from Pete Klinger with a Lucille Ball stamp.

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Iowa Speedway is a 7/8-mile (1.4 km) paved oval motor racing track in Newton, Iowa.  It opened in September 2006 and has over 25,000 permanent seats.
Legends of Hollywood
Lucille Ball, 34 cents

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Peter Sellers

Peter Sellers

This postcard was printed in 2005.

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Peter Sellers, (8 September 1925 – 24 July 1980) was a British film actor, comedian and singer. He performed in the BBC Radio comedy series The Goon Show, featured on a number of hit comic songs and became known to a world-wide audience through his many film characterisations, among them Chief Inspector Clouseau in The Pink Panther series of films.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Amed in Bali, Indonesia

Amed provides a fabulous panorama with mountain view and beach

This postcard is postmarked in 2015 with an Indonesia stamp. 

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Amed is a long coastal strip of fishing villages in East Bali.
Music Instruments
Nusa Tenggara Timur
(East Nusa Tenggara - 
a provence of Indonesia)
Sasando, 8000
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The sasando is a harp-like traditional music string instrument.