

Friday, January 15, 2016

The Grand Theater in Havana, Cuba (Raised Image)

Gran Teatro de La Habana
Havana Great Theatre

La construccion se inicio en 1907 para el Centro Gallego de La Habana abarcando al antiguo Teatro Tacon y los terrenos anexos que completaban la manzana.  Se inauguro en 1914 y el Teatro Natcional al ano siguiente. Su estilo tomo como modelo las construcciones-barrocas europeas.  Los grupos escultoricos de la fachada son obra del escultor italiano Giuseppe Moretti.  Es la actual sede del Gran Teatro de La Habana y el Ballet Nacional de Cuba.

The construction began in 1907 for the Galacian Center of Havana,  including the ancient Tacon Theatre and the annexed lands that complete the block.  It was inaugurated in 1914 and the National Theatre the following year.  Its style took as model European Baroque constructions.  The sculptural groups of the facade were made by the Italian sculptor Guiseppe Moretti.  It is the current site of the Havana Great Theatre and the National ballet of Cuba
(There are no typing errors, this is the way it is written.)

This is a 'raised image' postcard.  It is unused and was bought in Cuba in 2015. 

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