

Thursday, March 9, 2017

A Postal Love Postcard from Warsaw, Poland

The 1st largest city of Poland
City Area: 517.24 KM2
City Rights: 1328 YR

Population 1,744,357 - Over 3,500 Postcrossing Members

Famous Monuments:
- Royal Castle
- Presidential Palace
- Palace on the Water
- Grand Theatre
- Warsaw Skyline
- Palace of Culture and Science

Famous People:
- Maria Sklodowska - Curie
- Fryderyk Chopin
- Stanislaw Moniusko
- Krzysztof Kamil Baczynski
- Andrzej Wajda
- Boleslaw Prus

The Capital of Poland
Warsaw Metro 1995 about 29 KM
9th Largest Capital Cities of the European Union

This is a 'Postal Love' postcard that was postmarked in 2017 from Poland.
UNESCO World Heritage
Wooden Tserkvas of the Carpathian Region. 
Joint Issue with Ukraine
Drewnaine Cerkwie
W Polskim I Ukrainskim
Regionie Karpat 
5 ZL


  1. If I remember correctly the tall building was a gift from Stalin.
    I loved Poland. It was the most enjoyable country I visited in Central Europe.
    They were more tourist oriented and the people were beautiful.

  2. Hello Luvlinenes,

    I have been to a few countries in Europe, but unfortunately I've not been to Poland yet. After your comment, I will have to double my efforts to go :D

    Take care,
    ~Brenda (My Favorite Postcards)
