Monday, June 30, 2014

Sheep Herders by the Cordillera del Paine Mountains in Chile

Magallanes (One of Chiles four provinces)

Ovejeros.  Al fondo, la Cordillera del Paine
(Shepherds. In the background, the Cordillera del Paine)

Foto: Jorge Babarovic

This is postmarked from Chile in 1981 with a machine stamp.

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The Cordillera del Paine is a small mountain group in Torres del Paine National Park in Chile.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Busy Little Post Card with Good Luck Symbol (Swastika)

The busy little post card
Doth many needs supply.
And this will say
Till another day
Good Wishes,
Good Luck and
Good Bye.

This is postmarked in 1908 with a one cent stamp.  The back is filled with swastikas.

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The word "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit svastika - "su" (meaning "good" or "auspicious") combined with "asti" (meaning "it is"), along with the diminutive suffix "ka." The swastika literally means "it is good."

It is a combination of four L’s that stand for Luck, Light, Love and Life. The symbol has a long history in Europe reaching back to antiquity. The swastika had a surge of popularity as a good luck symbol in Western culture.  Then in 1920 the Nazi’s corrupted the meaning by using it as the symbol of their party.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Blenheim Palace in England

Blenheim Palace
West Front and Water Terraces

This is postmarked in 2014 with a matching Great Britain stamp.

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Blenheim Palace is a monumental country house situated in Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England, residence of the dukes of Marlborough. It is the only non-royal non-episcopal country house in England to hold the title of palace. The palace, one of England's largest houses, was built between 1705 and circa 1722.

Blenheim Palace was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987. (What a great year!! :)
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Here is one more...
Blenheim Palace
The Saloon ceiling by Leguarre
This postcard is from 2009.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Jabiru Stork form Belize

Jabiru Stork - Jabiru Mycteria

Photography by Mike Toy

This postcard is unused and was bought in Belize in 2013.

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The Jabiru is a large stork found in the Americas from Mexico to Argentina, except west of the Andes. The name comes from a Tupi–Guaraní language and means "swollen neck".

It has the second largest wingspan, after the Andean Condor.  The adult Jabiru can weigh 4.3–9 kg (9.5–20 lb) and large males may stand as tall as 1.53 m (5.0 ft). - - That is one large bird!!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Coney Island Cyclone in Brooklyn, New York

Coney Island

This is a handmade postcard with a type of 3-D paint. It is from Enamoo in Brooklyn, New York in 2007.  This is postmarked in 2014 with a ‘Find a Cure for Breast Cancer’ stamp.

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The Coney Island Cyclone is a historic wooden roller coaster, that opened on June 26, 1927 in the Coney Island section of Brooklyn, New York City.

On June 18, 1975, Dewey and Jerome Albert, owners of Astroland Park, were contracted to operate it under an agreement with New York City. It was completely rehabilitated and opened to enthusiastic crowds on July 1, 1975.

After Astroland closed in 2008, Carol Hill Albert, president of Cyclone Coasters, continued to operate it under a lease agreement with the city.

In 2011, Luna Park took over operation of the Cyclone. It was declared a New York City landmark on July 12, 1988, and was placed on the National Register of Historic Places on June 26, 1991.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Advertising Postcard for Biore Cleaing Strips with a Sample Attached

Clean. Honest
Biore Pore Perfect strips.
They deep-clean dirtiest pores.

This is an unused advertising postcard from 1998.  There is a sample sheet attached to the back.
The girl on the front looks like a take off of Rosie the Riveter from World War 2.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A Sea Turtle from the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador with a 'Lonesome George' stamp

Galapagos Islands

Chelonia mydas
Tortuga marina
tortue de mer

They are wild animals! Treat, them with respect and be careful!

Jaime Dominguez Rodas, Photographer

This postcard is postmarked in 2014 from Ecuador with a very special Galapagos stamp.
Ecuador stamp 2012
Solitario Jorge (Lonesome George) Galapagos 
Chelonoidis abingdoni (Pinta Island Tortoise) 24 Jun 2012, 3.00

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The Pinta Island tortoise was a subspecies of Galápagos tortoise native to Ecuador's Pinta Island.  By the end of the 19th century, most of the Pinta Island tortoises had been wiped out due to hunting. By the mid-20th century, it was assumed that the subspecies was extinct until a single male was discovered on the island in 1971. Efforts were made to mate the male, named Lonesome George, with other subspecies, but no viable eggs were produced. Lonesome George died on 24 June 2012 and the subspecies was believed to have become extinct with the death of Lonesome George.

Monday, June 23, 2014

La Guancha, Ponce in Puerto Rico

La Guancha, Ponce, Puerto Rico

Photograph by Antonio E. Amador

postmarked in 2009

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The La Guancha Recreational and Cultural Complex located in barrio Playa in Ponce, Puerto Rico with family recreational and cultural facilities that opened on June 23, 1998. The highlight of the complex is La Guancha Boardwalk, which is flanked by a beach, an observation tower, an amphitheater, and 24 open-air kiosks.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Royal Angelfish on Handmade Paper from Mexico

Cozumel, Mexico
Pez Tropical  (Tropical Fish)

This unused postcard was made on a brand of homemade Mayan Paper called 'Huun'.  I bought it in 2014.

Here is an interesting video of someone making handmade Huun paper in Mexico ....

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Cannon Beach Sandcastle Weekend in Oregon

Cannon Beach
Oregon Coast

Cannon Beach Sandcastle Contest

Photo: George Ostertag

This is postmarked in 2010 with a 28 cent polar bear stamp.

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A Cannon Beach tradition starting in June 1964, Sandcastle Weekend attracts thousands of visitors and locals,  who come to build fanciful creations or just watch the fun.
The contest includes divisions ranging from Masters, who create amazing sculptures, to groups and children ready for creative fun in the sand.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Ambulance drill, Allentown PA during WW1

Ambulance Drill, U.S.A.A.C. Allentown, PA

This is postmarked from Pennsylvania in 1918 with two 1 cent stamps

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The United States Army Air Corps (USAAC) was the statutory forerunner of the United States Air Force. Renamed from the Air Service on 2 July 1926, it was part of the United States Army and the immediate predecessor of the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF), established on June 20, 1941.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Basotho Herd Boys and Donkeys in Ha Mpiti, Lesotho

Basotho herd boys and their donkeys at Ha Mpiti, Lesotho

This postcard is unused.

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The Basotho (Sotho) people are a Bantu ethnic group, (people who speak the Bantu language), whose ancestors have lived in southern Africa since around the fifth century. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Catfish - Narrows Basscat - Exaggeration Postcard

“Narrows Basscat”

This 14 pound beauty was hauled out near Long’s Jetty by a local sportsman who battled her for over an hour before he could pull her in.  “A darn mean fighter,” he reported, “but them fleas is the worst part.” YOu can see the famed Narrows basscat at:
Jesse’s Bait and Tackle
110 Front Street (across from the Jetty)
Atchafalaya, Louisiana
(Mention this card and get 50 free nightcrawlers)

This ‘catfish’ postcard looks vintage, but was mailed in 2014 with a USA 34 cent hummingbird stamp.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Capitol Building in Pierre, South Dakota

The Capitol
Pierre, South Dakota

The Hub of State Government in Pierre, SD is the capitol building, constructed on the banks of the Mighty Mo for the astronomical sum of one million dollars, and dedicated in 1910, more than 20 years after South Dakota became a state.

Photos by Mike Wolforth and Paul Niemann

This postcard is postmarked in 2014 with a 34 cent hummingbird stamp.

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The floor in the capitol building is made of terrazzo tile. The floor is said to have been laid by 66 Italian artists. To give these artists a chance to place a mark in the building (without allowing them to actually sign their names to the floor), each is said to have been given a blue stone to place in the floor. Only 55 of these tiles have been found, however. It is thought that the remaining stones may have been placed in locations now covered by walls, doors, or carpeting.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Costa Mediterranea Cruise Ship

 Costa Mediterranea
Ship stats are written on the back in Russian

This is postmarked in 2012 with a Russia stamp featuring a medal.

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Costa Mediterranea is a Spirit-class cruise ship operated by the Costa Crociere cruise line. She was constructed at the Kvaerner Masa-Yards (currently Aker Finnyards) in Helsinki, Finland at a cost of over €400 million.  On June 16, 2003 she departed on her maiden voyage from Genoa to Spain and Portugal.

Public rooms aboard Costa Mediterranea such the ten floor high Maschera d'Argento atrium, were inspired by Italy's 16th and 17th century palazzi and decorated to reflect the ship's motto "Mai visto niente di simile" (You've never seen anything like it).

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Comet Brooks of 1911

Comet Brooks of 1911 from a negative made with the Bruce Photographic Telescope, Yerkes Observatory,
University of Chicago,
Williams Bay, Wisconsin.
The comet was 66 million miles distant from the earth.
The small streaks are trails of stars

This unused postcard is from the K. C. Kropp Co. Milwaukee.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Cincinnati, Ohio Skyline

 Cincinnati, Ohio

There are restaurants that revolve, that float, that have fantastic views in the Grater Cincinnati area.  Many of them are known for their fine dining, and have more stars from the Mobile Guide than other cities its size.

Photo by Werner J. Bertsch

This is postmarked in 1996 with a 32 cent flag/building stamp.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Lobster Ordering Dinner out of the People Tank

"You'll never believe what's on the menu!"
Painting by Bruce McCall

The fish tank in the back filled with men cracks me up!

This is postmarked in 2014 with a USA stamp.
USA stamp 2014
Drums with flowers
Lunar New Year
Forever a first class rate

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Millennium Bridge in Podgorica, Montenegro

Podgorica, Montenegro

Photo: Radoje Jovanovic

This postcard is unused and from 2011.

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Shown is The Millennium Bridge, (built in 2005), a cable-stayed bridge that spans the Morača River.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Land of Little Horses - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Land of Little Horses - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 

A rare pure white miniature Arabian mare, Lollipop has a regal appearance and shows to advantage during main barn displays.
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Land of Little Horses - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
(Miniature Appaloosa)
A versatile performer in the show arena, Peewee is well known for his jumping ability and solving mathematical problems.

Both of these postcards are unused.

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Land of Little Horses is a hands-on interactive Farm Park with numerous farm animals. There are many performing animals that you can get up close and personal with.  There is also play areas, a Western Town, Educational Displays, and Special Events.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Barter Theatre in Abingdon, Virginia

Barter Theatre
Abingdon, Virginia

The famous Barter Theatre was the brainchild of Robert Porterfield.  Started during the Great Depression, the first patrons were admitted in exchange for food.  Many of our present-day great actors got their start here.

Photo by R.A. Young

unused given to me in  2013

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Barter Theatre, located in Abingdon, Virginia, opened on June 10, 1933. It is one of the longest-running professional theatres in the nation. In 1933, when the country was in the middle of the Great Depression, most patrons were not able to pay the full ticket price. Robert Porterfield, founder of the theatre, offered admission by letting the local people pay with food goods, hence the name "Barter". The original ticket price for a play was 40 cents, or the equivalent in goods.

Many well-known stars of stage, screen and television have performed early in their careers at Barter, including Gregory Peck, Ernest Borgnine, Patricia Neal, Ned Beatty, Hume Cronyn, Gary Collins, Frances Fisher, Kevin Spacey, Larry Linville, John Glover, Jim Varney, and Wayne Knight.

Monday, June 9, 2014

A Stork from Heimat-Tierpark Olderdissen, A Zoo in Germany

Postcard 1
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Postcard two
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Heimat-Tierpark Olderdissen

Here are the two postcards put together to featuring a tall bird called a stork.
They are both postmarked in 2013 with Finland ‘postal vehicles’ stamps.

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The Heimat-Tierpark Olderdissen is an urban zoo in the city of Bielefeld. It is on approximately 15 acres and has more than 450 animals from about 100 different species. The park was established in 1930.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Riddle, Why is a Woman's Beauty Fake?

Why is a woman’s beauty a fake?

(find the answer.)

When you read the elongated letters it says: Being only skin deep, it’s a regular “skin game”

This postcard is unused and from 1906.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Butterfly, Starry Night, Hamadryas arinome

Hamadryas arinome - Starry Night
This spectacular butterfly from the rain forests of Central America is one of the cracker butterfiles (error - should be butterflies), so called because the males make a crackling sound with their wings when they fly.  Phil DeVries, author of "The Butterflies of Costa Rica', called this species "Starry Night" after the famous Van Gogh painting.

Photo by Dr. Phil DeVries
Houston Museum of Natural Science

This postcard is unused and was given to me in 2013. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Hot Air Ballons on the Uyuni Salt Flats in Bolivia

Uyuni, Bolivia

Salar de Uyuni
Potosi - Bolivia

Foto: Federico Arispe R.
This postcard is unused and from 2013.

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Salar de Uyuni (or Salar de Tunupa) is the world's largest salt flat at 10,582 square kilometers (4,086 sq mi). It is located in the Potosí and Oruro departments in southwest Bolivia, near the crest of the Andes.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Petaling Street Carnival 1992

Petaling Street Carnival 1992

Pictures (Clockwise)
Leather goods stall, Watch stall, Local biscuits stall, Open air restaurant, Air mata kuching (Loongan drings)

This postcard is unused.

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This market is located in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia