Atlantis Adventures
Cozumel, Mexico
unused, bought in 2010
English Translations, clockwise from top left:
Motor o Propulsor de Proa: Bow Thruster
Barandal: Deck Railing - Designed to comply with U.S. Coast Guard regulations, the deck railings assures passenger safety.
Motor o Propulsor Vertical: Vertical Thruster
Tanques para agua: Water Tanks, Sealed water tanks are adjusted to provide slightly positive buoyancy.
Comunicacions: Underwater Communications, An Underwater wireless telephone is used to maintain communication with a surface vessel at all times while submerged.
Luces de Navegacion: Navigation Lights, Standard internationally recognized marine configured navigation lights are used while on the surface at night.
Motor o Propulsor: Stern Thruster, DC battery powered electric thrusters. 2 stern thrusters, 2 vertical thrusters and 1 situated at the bow.
Oxigeno: Oxygen, Two completely separate oxygen storage systems provide life support for normal and emergency situations.
Claraboyas: Viewing
Tanques de Aire: High Pressure Air, High pressure cylinders store compressed air used for ballast, control systems and emergency breathing.
Lamparas: Lights, Atlantis Submarines are equipped with twenty 1,000 watt exterior floodlights.
Cabina de Pasajeros: Passenger Cabin, Guests aboard Atlantis and seated back-to-back on molded seats in two rows down the center of the passenger cabin. The Pilots are located at the bow, and co pilot at the stern of the cabin. There is more than six feet of headroom.
Claraboyoa: Front Viewport
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While we were in the sub, we saw many small and medium sized fish, one huge shark, lots of coral and about 4 scuba divers who all waved. We went to a depth of 104 feet, and went by the edge of a huge drop off that went straight down. My favorite part was the shark, and going through a school of silver fish. They were everywhere!

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