Saturday, January 21, 2012

Official Postcard for the Barnum and Bailey Circus, in German

Official Postcard for the Barnum and Bailey Circus,
text in German
The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida

unused reproduction postcard, from 2011

1. Der tattowirte mann
2. tindo mit doppeltem korper
3. die menschliche lampe
4. Der Expansionist
5. Der skelett gigerl
6. Der armlose Wundermann
7. Die Schwertschluckerin
8. Der Albino
9. Der Mann mit der dehnbaren Haut.

I can not make out some of the words - but here is some help in the translation:

1. The tattooed man
2. ? dual body
3.  human lamp
4.  the Expansionist
5.  The skeletal ?
6.  The armless wonder man
7.  Schwerts is sword, so maybe sword swallower?
8.  the albino
9. The man with the stretchy skin.

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