Baby Wolf
Gray Wolf (Canis lupus)
This large dog-like animal is usually gray but can vary from silvery-white to black. At maturity its length is approximately 40-52 inches. Although maligned through the ages as a vicious predator, the wolf might better be admired for its complex social organization. The leader, or alpha male, appears to control the pack's activities.
Photo by Alan & Sandy Carey
From the set:
Baby Animals of Washington
A collection of 12 postcards
unused, bought in 2010
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The Grey Wolf is considered the largest member of the wild dog family. Mainly found in the Northern Hemisphere, their numbers have declined over the years. Preferring to hunt in packs during the night, they feed on deer, elk, and other animals.
Le loup gris est considere comme le plus grand parmi des especes sauvages de la famille des canides. On le trouve principalement dans l'hemisphere boreal leur nombre decroit au fil des annees. Il prefere chasser en meute durant la nuit, se nourrit de chevreuil, de wapiti et d'autres animaux.
postmarked in 2012 with two Canadian stamps, one with a baby fox 1.03 and one of a caterpillar, Danaus Plexippus (Monarch Butterfly) 2
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Wolves are social predators that live in nuclear families consisting of a mated pair, their offspring and, occasionally, adopted immature wolves.
Genetic studies reaffirm that the gray wolf is the ancestor of the domestic dog.

1 comment:
Very great card!
I like your blog, really good, and I will see him more often now!
I hope you get many more great postcards
Greetings from Germany
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