Thursday, April 9, 2015

Quebec, Canada - The Accessible Road, Girls in Wheelchairs

Vivez le Quebec
comme Jamais!
Pour planifier des vacances et des escapades sans obstacles, visitez
La Route Accessible

Keroul - Tourisme et culture pour personnes a capacité physique restreinte

Experience the Quebec
as ever!
To plan a vacation or weekend getaway without obstacles, visit
The Accessible Road

Keroul - Tourism and culture for people with physical disabilities

This postcard features two girls in wheelchairs with a city view behind them.  It is unused and from 2012.

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Since 1979, Kéroul has strived to make tourism and culture more accessible to persons with limited physical ability. 


Sabinka said...

I have a disabled son and I know how important it is that there are no architectural barriers.

Postcard Blogger said...

Hello Sabinka,
My mom was too. I get upset when things are not accessible to the handicapped.