Sunday, November 20, 2016

Monument to the Revolution in Mexico City

Monument de la Revolution (Monument to the Revolution)
Vista Panoramic (Panoramic View)
Mexico, D.F.  (see below)

This vintage postcard is unused.

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The Monument to the Revolution is a landmark and monument commemorating the Mexican Revolution. It is located in Plaza de la República  in downtown Mexico City. It is considered the tallest triumphal arch in the world, it stands 67 metres (220 ft) in height.

The structure also functions as a mausoleum for the heroes of the Mexican Revolution of 1910, Francisco "Pancho" Villa, Francisco I. Madero, Plutarco Elías Calles, Venustiano Carranza, and Lázaro Cárdenas. Revolutionary general Emiliano Zapata is not buried in the monument, but in Cuautla, Morelos.

Mexican Revolution Day is celebrated on November 20th.

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Mexico City is officially known as México, D. F. or simply D. F. Distrito Federal (Federal District).

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