Saturday, April 28, 2018

Maryland - State Hood on April 28, 1788


Area, 10,577 sq. mi.
Population, 4,781,468
Capital, Annapolis
Largest city, Baltimore
Statehood, April 28th, 1788
Nickname, Old Line State
Motto, Many Deeds Womanly Words
State bird, Baltimore Oriole
State flower, Black-eyed Susan
State tree, White Oak

Photos: Sidney Traub, Middleton Evans, Ron Haisfield

This unused postcard was giving to me in 2015.

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The Reason for the Nickname:
The Maryland 400 were members of the 1st Maryland Regiment who repeatedly charged a numerically superior British force during the Battle of Long Island during the Revolutionary War, sustaining heavy casualties, but allowing General Washington to successfully evacuate the bulk of his troops to Manhattan. This action is commemorated in Maryland's nickname, the "Old Line State."

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