Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Advertising Postcard from Spain! - Weird Weird Weird!

Ajuntament de Barcelona
(City Council of Barcelona)


Ajustes Cotidianos
Agustin Codina
(see below for artist information)

Muntatges fotografics amb Photoshop
(Photographic montages with Photoshop)

Podem jugar a interpretar les imatges amb una nova mirada. Questionar allo que hi ha al darrera, el que esta enganxat a la imatge. La intencio i atencio de l'observador pot ser voluntaria o involuntaria.

(We play to interpret the images with a new look. Question what is behind, which is stuck in the picture. Intention and attention of the observer may be voluntary or involuntary.)

Inauguracio Dimarts 9 de febrer a les 19 h
Es servira una copa de cava.

(Opening Tuesday, February 9 at 19 pm
A glass of champagne.)

centre civic
Cotxeres Borrell

(civic center
Borrell Depots)

postmarked in 2010 with three Spain stamps featuring President Juan Carlos I and one with a butterfly

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Agustí Codina, Painter.
Agustí Codina studied at the Academy of Arts in Barcelona where, out of a special interest in the analysis of form and figure, he applied himself to these subjects under the tutelage of various masters of his time.

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Last, but not least ....... It is a small world, I wouldn't want to have to eat it though!!

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