Wie durch ein Tor taucht ein Galapagos Seelöwe in einen Fischschwarm hinein.
die groBen Ohrenrobben jagen ihre Beute in bis zu 40 Meter Wassertiefe, oft auch in Gruppen wobei die schnellen Meeressäuger gemeinsam Fischschwarme einkreisen
As through a gate dips Galapagos sea lion into a school of fish.
The rough sea lions hunt their prey at up to 40 meters of water, often in groups where the fast marine mammals circling fish swarm together
Foto: David Doubilet
postmarked in 2012 with two Germany stamp and the signatures of 45 members of a postcrossing meet-up (see the link to Postcrossing on the right hand side of this blog - it is a free postcard exchange site)

die groBen Ohrenrobben jagen ihre Beute in bis zu 40 Meter Wassertiefe, oft auch in Gruppen wobei die schnellen Meeressäuger gemeinsam Fischschwarme einkreisen
As through a gate dips Galapagos sea lion into a school of fish.
The rough sea lions hunt their prey at up to 40 meters of water, often in groups where the fast marine mammals circling fish swarm together
Foto: David Doubilet
postmarked in 2012 with two Germany stamp and the signatures of 45 members of a postcrossing meet-up (see the link to Postcrossing on the right hand side of this blog - it is a free postcard exchange site)

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