Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Mozart Sheet Music - Galimathias Musicum

Nederlands - Muziek Instituut

Mozart, Galimathias Musicum (KV 32, nr.7), p. 9. In Den Haag in 1766 op 10-jarige leeftijd gecomponeerd ter gelegenheid van de inhuldiging van Prins Willem V als nieuwe stadhouder van de Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden.  Autograaf, partituur. Bezetting: 2 hobo's, fagot, 2 hoorns (in D), 2 violen, altviool en basso continuo.

Loose Translation:

Dutch - Music Institute

Mozart, Galimathias Musicum (KV 32, 7), p. 9. The Hague in 1766 at the age of 10 composed on the occasion of the inauguration of Prince William V as new governor of the Dutch Republic. Autograph, score. Occupancy: 2 oboes, bassoon, two horns (in D), two violins, viola and basso continuo.

This postcard is postmarked in 2014 from Belgium.

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Galimathias musicum in D major, K. 32, is a quodlibet (a piece of music combining several different melodies) composed in 1766 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (at the age of 10) during his grand tour of Europe. A typical performance of this piece lasts twenty minutes.
Belgium stamp 2013
Butterfly, Red Admiral 
1 - A Prior


ONeal said...

So different. Very cool.

Postcard Blogger said...

I have a lot of sheet music postcards. My hubby plays cornet, trumpet and flugelhorn. Our kids play those and piano. So everywhere in our house there is sheet music. So when I found out you could buy postcards like this, well naturally I started to hunt for them. There are a lot of great patriotic ones!

ONeal said...

I remember that he is Ricky Ricardo's twin. :) I had no idea about the availability of sheet music postcards. I am NOT surprised that you managed to track them down. :)