Thursday, July 14, 2016

Santuario do Sameiro (Sameiro Sanctuary) Church in Braga, Portugal

Santuario do Sameiro
Sameiro Sanctuary
Sanctuaire de Sameiro

This is postmarked in 2013 with a Portugal Christmas stamp featuring the Magi worshiping Jesus as a baby.

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Construction begun on 14 July 1863.

The founder of the shrine was the Vicar of Braga, Padre Antonio Martinho Pereira da Silva.

Pope John Paul II visited this Marian shrine on May 15, 1982.
Adoracao dos Reis Magos 
(Adoration of the Magi Kings) 0,80 

Adoracao dos Reis magos
E, tendo nascido, Jesus, em Belem da Judeia, (...) eis que uns magos vieram do oriente a Jerusalem, (...) E, entrando na casa, acharam o menino com Maria, sua mae e, prostando-se, o adoraram.  Mt. 2: 1-11

Adoration of the Magi Kings
And, having been born, Jesus, in Bethlehem of Judea, (...) behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, (...) And entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and prostrating they worshiped him. Matthew 2: 1-11

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