LL.AA.RR. Ie Grand-Duc Henri et la Grande-Duchesse Maria teresa entoures du Grand-Duc Heritier Guillaume, des Princes Felix, Louis et Sebastien et de la Princesse Alexandra.
From Google Translate:
TRH I Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa surrounded 'by their children' Grand Duke Guillaume, Princes Felix, Louis and Sebastian and Princess Alexandra.
postmarked in 2010 with a Luxembourg Olympics stamp from 2006
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Grand Duke Henri Albert Gabriel Félix Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg is the current Grand Duke of Luxembourg. He was born on April 16, 1955. He was married on February 14, 1981 to Maria Teresa Mestre and became grand duke when his father, Jean, abdicated on October 7, 2000. Their children are:
Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume Jean Joseph Marie of Luxembourg, the Grand Duke's eldest son, born on November 11, 1981. He is the Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince of Nassau and holds the title Prince of Bourbon-Parma.
Prince Félix Léopold Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg, born on June 3, 1984.
Prince Louis Xavier Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg, born on August 3, 1986. He is Prince of Luxembourg and Prince of Nassau. He was married on September 29, 2006 to Tessy Antony, who was born on October 28, 1985. Upon marrying, Prince Louis renounced his right of succession to the Luxembourg throne.
Princess Alexandra Joséphine Teresa Charlotte Marie Wilhelmine of Luxembourg, born on February 16, 1991.
Prince Sébastien Henri Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg, born on April 16, 1992.

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