Paris et ses Merveilles ...
La cathedrale Notre-Dame (1163-1330) cote sud.
(Paris and it's Wonders ...
The Notre-Dame Cathedral - southern part)
unused, from 2010
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Photo: Andre Edouard / S.D.P.
postmarked with 5 France stamps in 2007
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Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris
Construite dans l'ile de la Cite' a l'initative de l'eveque Maurice de Sully a partir de 1160, Notre-Dame de Paris set l'une des plus grandes cathedrales gothiques. C'est aux restaurataions menees de 1845 a 1864 par Lassus et Viollet-le-Duc que la cathedrale doit en partie son aspect actuel.
Tour nord, galerie des chimeres.
loosely translated:
Built in the Ile de la Cite (one of two natural islands in the Seine) at the order of Bishop Maurice de Sully in 1160. Notre-Dame of Paris set out to be one of the largest Gothic cathedrals. Some of the cathedrals currant appearance is do to the restorations that were made from 1845 to 1864 by Lassus and Viollet-le-Duc.
North Tower, Gargoyles.
postmarked in 2010 with a France Monde 20 g stamp
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(my daughter sent me this from her Paris trip. She writes: I love this postcard because the gargoyle is totally pondering! I went here and chillaxed with Quasimoto a bit. Love u)
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